
We Educate for Excellence

Safety & Security

Safety is our top priority in the Westlake City Schools. We work tirelessly to ensure the physical, emotional and social safety of our students and staff. We believe safety is a community effort and responsibility, and we thank you for your partnership.

How We Keep Our Schools Safe

Emergency Response Guide

Safety FAQ

Safety Resources

School staff are well educated on a variety of external supports available to students and their families. No matter the need, our staff can help connect families with valuable resources to support them through a variety of challenges. The following are just some of your community resources:

Speak Up for Safety

Westlake has partnered with SpeakUp for Safety from Gaggle to provide an easy way for students to anonymously share concerns about school safety and the well-being of fellow students.

Share concerns about your classmates or school safety.

 Easily Report:

  • Bullying
  • Threats of Violence
  • Planned fghts
  • Students in crisis
  • Weapons in school
  • Other urgent situations

Contact SpeakUp:

Email: or call/text 440-856-4065 anytime to report suspicious or unsafe behavior anonymously. These accounts are monitored by trained professionals 24/7/365.