English Language Learners (ELL)
The purpose of the English Language Learner program (ELL) is to provide acquisition of proficiency in speaking, listening, reading and writing of the English language for students whose first language is other than English. Students enrolled in the ELL program are instructed in English only from state certified ELL teachers with content certification and training in best instructional practices and strategies for second language learners.
Title III is a federally funded program to assist school districts in teaching English to limited English proficient children with the goal being to assist these students to meet the same challenging standards required of all students. Students participate in an annual state assessment called Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA), whereby parents are notified concerning student program placement, progress and goals reached.
Westlake City Schools’ services for English learner students are available for review in the office of building principals.
English as a Second Language Program Handbook (ESL) 2024-2025
Contacts for the English Learner Support Team
Westlake Elementary School
Kate Gallo - GalloK@wlake.org
Shelley Gedeon - GedeonS@wlake.org
Julie Wagner – WagnerJu@wlake.org
EVIE tsigas - TsigasE@wlake.org
Dover Intermediate School
Anne-Frances Zaborniak - zaborniak@wlake.org
Katherine Vecchio - VECCHIOK@wlake.org
Lee Burneson Middle School
Anne-Frances Zaborniak - zaborniak@wlake.org
Katherine Vecchio - VECCHIOK@wlake.org
Westlake High School
Jennifer Petticord – Petticord@wlake.org
Deidre Oliver – oliverd@wlake.org