We Educate for Excellence

Gifted Education

Gifted and talented students demonstrate potential ability and/or superior achievement when compared to most students of their age, experience or environment. The district ensures there are appropriate procedures in place for screening and assessment of students who are culturally diverse, economically disadvantaged, have a disability or have limited English proficiency.

According to Westlake City School District Board of Education policy and Ohio Revised Code, the district shall identify children in grades K-12 who might be gifted in one or more of the following areas:

  • Super Cognitive Ability
  • Specific Academic Ability in one or more of the following content areas:
  1. Mathematics
  2. Reading
  3. Science
  4. Social Studies
  • Creative Thinking Ability
  • Visual or Performing Arts Ability such as drawing, painting, dance, music or drama.

In grades K-8, the district implements a cluster grouping model in a traditional classroom. Using this model, students are placed together with other students identified as gifted. Teachers are provided with training and continued support to provide differentiated instruction in the subject areas of identification. Students may also receive services from a Gifted Intervention Specialist in certain grade levels. Each student will collaborate with their classroom teacher or Gifted Intervention Specialist providing yearly goals in a Written Education Plan (WEP) established annually.

In the middle school years, advanced and/or accelerated classes are provided in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science.

At the high school level, grades 9-12, courses are offered in Advanced Placement (AP), Honors, and College Credit Plus (CCP).


Amanda Musselman │Associate Superintendent of Instruction │ musselmana@wlake.org │ 440.250.1269

Kami headings │ Administrative Assistant to Academic Servicesheadingsk@wlake.org │ 440.250.1259

Westlake Elementary School K-4 Gifted Teachers

Lara Essman │ Essman@wlake.org


Lynnette kuschel │ KuschelL@WLAKE.ORG


Dover Intermediate School 5th Grade gifted teachers

Bridget Royce │ Math │ royce@wlake.org

Donna Dieterich │ ELA │ dieterich@wlake.org

dover intermediate school 6th Grade gifted teachers

Patrick McMorrow │ Math │ mcmorrow@wlake.org

Jessica Ranallo │ ELA │ ranalloj@wlake.org

Gifted Resources

Ohio Department of Education Rubrics for Visual Arts, Dance, Drama & Music

  • Art Rubric
  • Music Rubric
  • Drama Rubric
  • Dance Rubric