We Educate for Excellence


Superintendent Scott GogginOur key to success is that we understand the importance of focusing on the right things. There is a strong tradition of excellence in Westlake because our goals have been developed by the entire school community and they are rooted in our mission:

We Educate for Excellence....
Empowering all students to achieve their educational goals, to direct their lives, and to contribute to society.

The Westlake City Schools have a strong history of a consistent and concerted effort made to achieve and advance excellence. We brought together a cross representational group of more than 50 residents, including business, nonprofit, civic, mental health, higher education, clergy, parent and neighborhood leaders in planning sessions to create a Strategic Plan. The purpose was to gather input, strategies and ideas to help set the course for the district's future.

The strategic planning process included in-depth presentations about the current state of academics, technology, finances, facilities and community research, followed by input exercises. Committee members worked in small groups to identify growing community and global trends, skills gaps and resource needs.

From these exercises, leaders created goals and accompanying initiatives for Westlake City Schools to position itself to best prepare students for their lives beyond graduation.

Dr. Scott Goggin │ Superintendent │ goggin@wlake.org │ 440.871.7300

Catherine Eason | ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT | easonc@WLAKE.ORG | 440.835.6303