We Educate for Excellence

1st-12th Grade Enrollment

Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is open.  

If your student previously attended Westlake City Schools and withdrew to attend elsewhere, you must complete the full registration process to re-enroll in Westlake City Schools.  
Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open to new students on Monday, March 31st.

There are 5 Steps to completing enrollment.

Step #1: Complete Online Pre-Registration
Step #2: Schedule Appointment
  • All K-12 registration appointments are held at the Westlake Board of Education Office located at 24365 Hilliard Blvd. Registrations are by appointment only, no walk-ins please.
  • You may schedule your registration appointment through the "Scheduler" tab within Gateway Registration once pre-registration is complete.  
  • Please bring all required registration documents to your registration appointment.  
  • Please contact Registrar, Monica Verchick at 440-250-1270 or verchickm@wlake.org with any questions. 
Step #3: Collect All Required Documents
If applicable, documents must be officially translated into English.
  • Student Birth Certificate 
  • Parent/Guardian state or federal issued photo ID (Must be valid)
  • Primary proof of residence Acceptable documents includeA signed rental agreement, mortgage statement (must be current within the last 30 days), deed, purchase agreement or construction agreement. This document must list you as the homeowner or leaser and include the Westlake address.
  • Secondary proof of residence Acceptable documents include: A property tax bill; current utility bill (Water, Gas, or Electric only, must be current, within the last 30 days), a letter of verification of utility service for water, gas, or electric; homeowners or renters’ insurance; or last pay stub.
  • Immunization Records Acceptable document is a record from your physician or previous school.
  • Most recent report card or transcript from the previous school. 
  • Evaluation Team Report (ETR)/Individualized Education Program (IEP), Gifted Records (WEP/WAP and testing score) if applicable.
Step #4: Complete All Required Forms 

Residency Forms Required: There are two types of residency in Westlake. Please complete one of the forms listed below that best matches your living situation

  • Residency Affidavit (if you are the owner or the person listed on the lease.)
  • Sworn Statement of Residence (to be completed when parent/guardian is not the owner or person listed on the lease/rental agreement) Parent/Guardian must also provide one of these items as proof of residence:
    • Official mail or government-issued ID with your name and address matching what is listed
  • Student Health Questionnaire 
  • Student Records Release Form (if transferring from another school) 
  • Custody Forms Required: (Applicable if parents were never married, are living apart, are separated, or divorced)
    • Custody Affidavit : (Applicable if parents were never married or are separated, living apart, or divorced.  If you have gone to court, you must provide a copy of the signed, certified, and time-stamped copy of the court order.
    • Custody Pending (Applicable if motion to revise custody is pending) Must also provide a copy of the signed, certified, and time-stamped court order.
    • Court Placement  : (If Applicable) Must also provide a copy of the court journal entry and any other court documents.
Step #5: Parent Checklist 
  • Please use this checklist to make sure you have all of the required documents and forms to provide to the registrar at your scheduled appointment.